The second edition of the TUSCANY YACHTING WEEK, an event that combines the 21st edition of SEATEC, the only exhibition in Italy dedicated to companies that supply the naval and recreational shipbuilding industry and the 15th edition of COMPOTEC MARINE, dedicated to materials composites and related technologies in the nautical sector, organized by Carrarafiere, with the 14th edition of YARE, (Yachting Aftersales and Refit Experience), the international yachting event dedicated to refits and aftersales of the superyacht sector, organized by Navigo, the Viareggio service center for nautical innovation and development, will be held from 13th to March next. The agreement between the events maintains the distinctive characteristics of the individual events, making the most of the identity of SEATEC-COMPOTEC MARINE as a B2B event with an exhibition format aimed at the nautical subcontracting supply chain, construction materials and related technologies, enriched by the consolidated one-on-one meetings -to-one between exhibitors and the delegation of international buyers sponsored by Ice Agenzia, addressed to European countries such as Croatia, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Great Britain, Greece, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Norway, the Netherlands, Poland, Russia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Turkey, Ukraine Hungary and non-EU countries such as Argentina, Brazil, Canada, China, Egypt, United Arab Emirates, Iran, Morocco, South Africa, Taiwan, Tunisia, USA, Vietnam, and the MYDA competition (Millennium Yacht Design Award, 20th edition) aimed at novice and professional designers in the “New Projects” and “The Boat on a Human Scale” sections.

YARE confirms its networking format with the tours of the captains in the shipyards of the nautical district, The Superyacht Captains’ Forum organized in collaboration with The Superyacht Group and in the following days the “B2B Meet the Captain“, an effective business moment for the sector which among international captains of yachts over 24 meters and Italian and foreign companies (shipyards, companies in the production and service chain), the RINA Captains’ Awards is a technical recognition of the professionalism and competence of the captains and the Passerelle Pitch with the challenge between participating companies on innovative and eco-sustainable projects.

Central common themes continue to be innovation and sustainability, in particular with the area dedicated to Startups, not only in the marine sector, but also in sectors transversal to the nautical sector, in two moments at YARE linked to refits and at Seatec, in parallel in the afternoon on Friday 15th.

With the 2024 edition of the TUSCANY YACHTING WEEK, the involvement of all local players in the nautical sector continues, with a view to territorial collaboration which is fundamental for future development.

This second edition of the TYW is enriched with the TRAINING area at Carrarafiere, an event dedicated to training, on 14 March afternoon, promoted by ISYL (Italian Super Yacht Life), the Tuscan ITS (Higher Technical Institute) based in Viareggio, born with the aim of organizing highly professional training courses dedicated to educating future professionals in the sector, including training moments in dedicated rooms and desk to desk and visits to SEATEC-COMPOTEC MARINE in the pavilions. The YARE training moves around a hundred students from the ITS to SEATEC, involving the shipyard staff managers, who are also involved in Seatec in the Career Day, a starting point for deepening the meeting between supply and demand for work in the nautical sector.

In the education for the sector there are public, private and mixed systems. Looking ahead, we can envisage the involvement of shipyard Academies, which have proliferated in recent times. Alongside this fundamental topic for the development and growth of the sector, issues related to fundraising for research and development will be addressed on Friday 15th, an equally important area for the growth of the sector.

Another important area that is developed and represented is the YACHTING DESTINATION with the participation of MARINE DELLA TOSCANA, an aggregate of 11 Tuscan ports representing approximately 3500 berths in the region alone. ASSONAT, the National Association of Tourist Landings and Ports, committed to protect the interests of entrepreneurial entities that deal with the construction and/or management of tourist port structures, ports, marinas, landing places, mooring points, buoy fields, storage facilities, dry ports and adjacent or similar tourist-nautical activities will also be present at SEATEC.

In collaboration with, an area dedicated to SAILING, ocean racing and the America’s Cup will be organized at SEATEC, with important testimonies from protagonists of the two areas accompanied by exciting videos of ocean regattas and preliminary events for the Cup connected to the suppliers of equipment and components of the specific sector.

On the evening of Thursday 14th, the Networking Gala Dinner will be repeated, which was so successful last year, a special event that allows event participants to socialize in a prestigious location with the contribution of high-quality food and entertainment.